Contract J.A.C.K - Custom Map Pack Download
Custom Maps made by various community mappers (Last update by JUSTiTiA BluE)


Filesize:836.42 M bytes
Downloaded:106 times
This is a zipped installer where you have to browse to your Contract J.A.C.K installation and put the needed rez file into your Custom/Resouces folder.
There will be a uninstaller located with the rezfiles when installation is done.
To uninstall, start the uninstall program located next to the rezfiles.




Make sure to also check out the Pegasus mod




How to load the Map Pack


Contract J.A.C.K and Nolf2 is different from Nolf1 when it comes to custom maps.
Instead of adding every custom REZ file to one single folder, it uses 2.

You will find a Mods folder and a Resources folder inside he Custom folder.

The Map Packs should be added to the Resources folder because they will not alter game files that already exists. They are all new files.

Some rez files are also Mods and should be added to the Mods folder because they will alter game files that already exists.


Mappack contents


Doomsday Maps
Cable Car Station Koyasha aka SheepRaider
Collapse in CalcuttaScorpio
Death MountainTriggerhappy
Exile to EgyptWiky


Deathmatch Maps
2 TowersEmm@ Peel
2-3-5-7Emm@ Peel
3 HousesEmm@ Peel
8Emm@ Peel
A cellar full of secretsWindebieste
A day in two roomsKeks
Agents in TrainingEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
B O N E S !Emm@ Peel
Big Trouble (2)Emm@ Peel
Big Trouble NightEmm@ Peel
BigAreaEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
BigArea 2playersEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
BigArea Blue-SpawnEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
BigArea Red-SpawnEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
CampingEmm@ Peel
CarparkEmm@ Peel
CastleEmm@ Peel
Catch meEmm@ Peel
Cementary R.I.P updatedThe@Ripper
CentauriEmm@ Peel
CinemaEmm@ Peel
Collapse in CalcuttaScorpio
Columns by The@RipperThe@Ripper
County Jail R.I.PThe@Ripper
Cubes2 by The@RipperThe@Ripper
Danger Mouse (Mousetraps)Emm@ Peel
Dark RoomEmm@ Peel
EagleEye R.I.PThe@Ripper
Emm@ Peel in MontanaEmm@ Peel
Fear LelisEmm@ Peel
Fields of GloryThe@Ripper
G.D.:Rippers Eldorado R.I.PEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
Glue Fortress (GlueMap)Emm@ Peel
Glue Portals (Glue Map)Emm@ Peel
Goldmine R.I.PEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
Gold`n´GunsEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
Grenade Dream R.I.PThe@Ripper
GrotteEmm@ Peel
H.a.r.m DepotEmm@ Peel
H1X1Emm@ Peel
H1X2Emm@ Peel
Hall Of Fameby Ashool
Hardcore BallEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
Hometown (just Grenades)Emm@ Peel
Labyrinth R.I.PThe@Ripper
Last Train To RippertownEmm@ Peel
LavaEmm@ Peel
Lena´s friendsPeel/Ripper
LibraryEmm@ Peel
Light Control IEmm@ Peel
Light Control IIEmm@ Peel
Light Control IIIEmm@ Peel
Map 34The@Ripper
MarsbaseEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
Muschi-Muschi R.I.PThe@Ripper
Museum R.I.PThe@Ripper
Nolf3: Central Stationn/a
Nolf3: HochTiefn/a
Nolf3: Lavotopian/a
Nolf3: Monkeylandn/a
P ElektrotrackerEmm@ Peel
Pegasus Race (nice in Pegasus Mod)Emm@ Peel
Pisa North-SpawnEmm@ Peel
Pisa South-SpawnEmm@ Peel
Pisa Tower-SpawnEmm@ Peel
PopoKatePopelEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
RipCity (Vespas included)Emm@ Peel
RipCity (WesternMap)Emm@ Peel
Roondo Arenan/a
Roondo Arena Total War Versionn/a
Russian IceEmm@ Peel
Sawmill R.I.PThe@Ripper
ShoppingEmm@ Peel
Shuttle WarsEmm@ Peel
SpaceballsEmm@ Peel
StargatesEmm@ Peel
Supply ArenaEmm@ Peel
Sweden (Pegasus-Mod only!)Emm@ Peel
The Darkest Room R.I.PThe@Ripper
The HallEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
The Hall: Grenade Fight VersionEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
There is no escapeKeks
Time Machine ADVEmm@ Peel
TrainingEmm@ Peel
Trapdoor HallEmm@ Peel
Tussle in the TempleKoyuki
Unity BowlingEmm@ Peel
Unity Depotn/a
VentilationEmm@ Peel
Visco CityEmm@ Peel
Visco City (Ice version)Emm@ Peel
WarzoneEmm@ Peel / The@Ripper
Waterfight - first Peel MapEmm@ Peel
White RoomEmm@ Peel






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