Unpacking .REZ files and changing the weapon names

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Unpacking .REZ files and changing the weapon names

Post by SlovakianLynx » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:57 pm

Hi, I'm playing NOLF 2 after several years and what bugs me a bit, as a gun nerd is, that most weapons don't have real names (who names the Sterling SMG Gordon??).
I would like to change that, but I can't a way to extract .REZ files.
I have the Czech version of the game, which came with tools, but they don't work with the modernizer. I've found some tools on the interwebs, but the links to them are either dead, or they also don't work.
Any link to a working extractor, or tutorial, or tips on how to do achieve this will be much appreciated.

P.S. I've got some modding experience, mainly with ArmA, but this seems different.

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Re: Unpacking .REZ files and changing the weapon names

Post by Spawn » Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:11 pm

Hello there :)

You can still use Winrez by blackangel Software. The tools should work just fine with modernizer as well. You just need to extract the modernizer.rez into the "GAME" directory or load the rez file when launching a world from dedit.

Program arguments: -rez engine.rez -rez Game -rez Custom/Mods/modernizer/modernizer.rez +runworld "%WorldName%"

For more about basic Dedit settings, click here for a jupiter dedit setup tutorial.

Hope this helps :thumb:

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