Build the Nolf2 modernizer source code

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Build the Nolf2 modernizer source code

Post by Spawn » Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:16 pm

Build the Nolf2 modernizer source code
I will not concider myself a programmer, but that doesn't stop me from messing around with the nolf2 source code. Modernizer 1.4 was built with VisualStudio 2019 and how HeyJake made that work is above my paygrade. However, creating a new Cres.dll file and various other projects is more in my alley. If others want to tinker with it as well, here is atleast how I made it work. :blink:

1. Getting ready

First of all, install the VisualStudio 2019 package and set up account and such. Free account sounded nice, even though that probably means that it uploads every mail and picture that you have to microsoft as payment.

You will also need the Nolf2 tools that contains the v1.3 source code.

After extracting the source code, make a copy of the whole folder to your VS2019 project folder.
I think default is c:\users\<your name>\source\repos\

Then rename it to nolf2-modernizer-master since thats also the name the github package.


Get the Nolf2 modernizer 1.4 source code by clicking that little green code button and download the zip.


Now unpack the zip file over the original source code that you have in your Repos folder. Replace whatever it wants to replace.

2. Open and do a test build

So, let's launch this fantastic Visual studio application shall we..

I already opened a few things in mine, but Open a project or solution should be next.


Ofcourse I tried to open all of these but TO2-Game.sln was the most agreeable one.


Now this wonderful thing shows up...


Feel free to comment what "the mappings for the solution could not be found" means, I just started whistling and thought of cows for some reason..

Next I set build to Final and x86, the build configurations are setup to build Debug or Final


---Drumroll--- Now for the big test.. Hit Build Solution..

(I guess proper safety gear should now be worn)


No errors, but a lot of warnings about deprecated code...


The result should be found in nolf2-modernizer-master\Game\Built\Final


Launcher and Autorun seems to be left out.

Thanks to Hey Jake who decided to make this source code public, you rock :nanarock:

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